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Friday, October 30, 2015

This is not for everyone, but the more laid back type people may be interested to hear that if you run out of dish liquid you can use bar soap. This topic came to me a few weeks ago when my family was visiting from out of town and went through there vacation home a gave me what seemed like 30 bars of soap. We have not purchased bar soap in months, but was grateful to be given the stock pile. I knew I needed to give some away or figure out how to use them. I have 4 kids that are supposed to wash there hands at the kitchen sink, but every time they do they pour into there tiny hands way to much dish liquid. Light bulb turned on and I opened a bar of soap and stuck it there and told the children what it was for to not use the liquid. The issues never end in a house with this many people so I ran out of dish liquid anyway and could not get to the store till late and with a sink full of dishes decided I would use the bar of soap sitting there conveniently. I loved it my hand felt so soft and the smell was radiating through the kitchen. The rag stayed soapy till the task was finished. I did some research before posting for you all and deciding not to buy dish liquid till I got low on this gift.  It is in fact fine to use and many other people have already discovered this trick. The only thing I saw was to rinse thoroughly, but we need to do that with all soaps. Hope this helps those who may be out of  dish liquid. Get those dishes washed!!

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