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Friday, October 30, 2015

Admit it or not when you find your child's toy with a broke leg, foot, arm, hand, etc the first thing most of us do is throw it away. I want to change this! I feel that it's teaching our kids that because people may be missing a limb that they are broken or worse. If you were to let your child play with the toy they could care less about the fact they are missing a limb, but throwing away a toy and teaching them that because the toy is missing a limb it is broken over time I think we are teaching them this about people also. I was inspired to change the way I looked at people who were different when my eyes were opened after I had my daughter who is now 2 and is missing her feet. This was not because of a horrible accident this is just the way God made her. She was made unique like we all are, in my heart this little action will change the way kids think and may help others like my daughter. I hope I did not offend anyone. If you AGREE PLEASE SHARE!!!!!

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